
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm still here!

Just a little mobile post to let you know that I'm still alive! I have been working every waking moment on the Basic Grey design team call. Honestly I'm not that confident that I will even be in contention....but you can't win if you don't try, right? Wish me luck...I will be posting all my projects in the week to come (I made eight things!)

Just remember is good to be queen!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

SPCC Entry – Using Basic Grey!

This is the last SPCC challenge before the end of the DT call.  Here is the challenge:

I immediately thought of my favorite Basic Grey line: Origins. I wanted to do a quilt look so I cut up the FRONT of the origins packaging and used the little square samples to make my quilted  circle. It worked perfect!

Here she is:


This is also the second card in my personal challenge to use ALL of my stamps.  I used “Gratitude is an Action Word” from Inkadinkado’s Thankful for Everything.  I also used Heidi Grace “Thank You w/heart”.




Stamp: Some Odd Girl: Dancin Kaylee | DSP: Basic Grey: Origins | Zig: fine liner |Stickles | Cardstock: Recollections | Embossing folder: Sizzix (Basic Grey) | Stash: flowers, ribbon, pins, doily | Coloring: Copic


Entered in:

Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Challenge: Color Combo

Deconstructed Sketches: Sketch

Some Odd Girl: Paper Piecing: I pieced her shirt and her shoes (one with BG card and one with solid)


Thanks for looking!

It is good to be queen!

Friday, August 26, 2011

C&S (Trying to Show Some Restraint!)

One more post for tonight.

I am very excited to be participating in the first challenge over at Young Crafters Unite! I know that the challenge is open to everyone (as it should be) no matter your true age, but I am excited that the name alone might draw some other crafty young adults like me. I do feel a little bit alone at times. I love ALL of my friends and followers but I do hope to get to know some other paper crafters that I have more lifestyle in common with.

The ladies over at YCU seem very partial to that Clean and Simple look so I REALLY tried to show some design discretion with this one.

Here it is:


This one is also the first in a series of cards I am making in order to challenge myself. I have SO many stamps I’ve never even opened and I am challenging myself to use them ALL! I used a Studio G rubber sentiment and a Studio G ‘with gems’ acrylic set.


Stamps: Studio G | Coloring: Copics | DCWV: Cardbase | Gems: Studio G


Entered in:

Flutterby Wednesday: Open Challenge

Hooked on Crafts: Things with Wings

Young Crafters Unite: Color a Stamped Image


Thanks for looking (any comments are LOVED!).

Keep it royal queenies!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Paper Makeup Digital Stamps!

Over at the new Digi Makeover Challenge Blog they are having a DT call. I have never been on a DT before but I am ready and I really want it!

So, they have some awesome freebies to work with (they also have a few good freebies hidden in their blog if you look for them!). All you have to do is go over and download them and then create a card, layout, or project with it.

They also want to know why you love digis. So, I love digis for SOOO many reasons! I love their flexibility.  If you go through my blog you will see that I use digis in so many different ways: small, large, portrait, background… and recently I cropped one image into little pieces and used them in an Inchie Arts inspired project. I also love the the instant gratification of buying digital.  Even if I don’t have the perfect image, I can think of a project and have an image to go along with it in minutes.  Lastly, I love digis because of their affordability.  I can get two or three digis for what I might pay for a rubber stamp and can do a lot of the same things. You can be a tool junkie, a technique freak, a C&S carmaker or a pile-it-on scrapbooker – no matter what, there is room in your crafty life for digis. If you have never tried a digital stamp you are missing out!

I got to use some sweet new supplies that I just bought recently at our brand new Joann’s – which is HUGE.  The pretty gathered teal fabric is from the sewing section and I LOVE it!  And, the little ledger at the bottom is punched with my new binding edge punch from EK Success.

Here is the card I made with the cute little monster (I love all PMS’ little monster digis!):



Stamps: PMS: Monster Freebie, Inkadinkado: Kid Quotes | Coloring: colored pencils | Distress Ink: Vintage Photo | DSP: Daisy D’s (banner), DCWV: The Mod Stack (ledger), (I’m not sure where the red dot or the dictionary paper came from) | EK Success: Binding Edge punch | iTop, iTop Punches | Ribbon: stash


Sketch used:


The Sketch File: Sketch


Enter in:

Stampin B's: Round or Square easel card

City Crafter Challenge: Friendship Week

Digi Makeover Challenge: Design Team Call


Thanks for looking (I appreciate any comments!).

Remember, it’s good to be queen!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amy at 1000 sheets is getting GENEROUS again!

I just wanted to put in my bid to win a little blog candy from Amy over at one of my FAVORITE blogs A Thousand Sheet of Paper.

Amy is a super-talented, SUPER-nice lady and is offering a great candy for her second blogoversary!

Here’s PART of her giveaway:

Hop on over and follow her – you will NOT regret seeing all the wonderful projects (and random candies) she has to offer.

Will be posting some actual projects tomorrow and Thursday!

Keep it real, but MOST important – Keep it ROYAL people!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Scrapmaster’s Paradise Color Combo (DT Call)

Good early morning (or, like me, late night!) to all you queenies!

I am very excited to be putting up my first entry for SPCC challenge.  This is also the first in a series of entries in order to apply for a DT spot over there. (yeay!)

The Combo:


You know, Baja Breeze looked a little more turquois before. :)

I'm excited to share this with you for two reasons: One, I colored this image with colored pencils which I NEVER do.  I am pretty much copic/watercolor all the way but, I am very happy with the results.  And two: I got a chance to use some papers from SEI that I have been dying to use – and used them in a way that I didn’t expect when I bought them.

So, no more waiting, here we are:



She’s so cute, right?  I am very happy with this card shape as well.  The overhang allows you to use two patterned papers behind the main image – gives a lot of depth methinks. Here is the sketch I used (I modified it a little):


Stamp: Bugaboo (Sugar and Spice set) | Cardstock: BBP (purple cardbase), DCWV “Glitter Stack” (Purple Scallop Rectangle), American Crafts (Pearlized Turquois) | DSP: SEI (Couture) | Spellbinders (Rectangles – Large, Scalloped Rectangles) | Ribbon: RibbonFX | Stickers: K Marcella (Monkey Around Girl)


Entered in:

Sweet Stampin: Babies or Little Ones

Glitter Geeks: Sketch

Tuesday Throwdown: Non-stamped Sentiment

Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Combo: Color Combo (DT submission)


Thanks for looking ( I love comments!)

And remember….it is GOOD to be queen!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Inspired by Inchies

The challenge over at Tiddly Inks this week is inspired by Inchie Arts (mini cards).

I am, admittedly, not great at making very SMALL things.  I intended for this to be smaller than it ended up being, but it is smaller than a standard A2 size. AND I went to the Inchie Arts blog and was inspired by their idea to use four squares stamped with the same image.

Tip: To add interest to the little squares and save time: digitally draw a square frame around the cropped sections and space them evenly before you print, then you won’t have to cut each one and mat it separately. Just color and cut neatly around the all four and your grouping is all ready to go.

I am not usually the clean and simple type of cardmaker, but this one just wanted to be that way, so what am I to do?

Someones World


Stamps: Tiddly Inks (Poppy); Raindrop Echo Designs (Sentiment) | Copics | Cardstock: DCWV (Mod Stack); Recollections (white) | Dollar Tree: Ribbon, Flowers | Pearl Pins


Entered In:

Tiddly Inks Challenge: Inspired by Inchie Arts

Top Tip Tuesday: Center Step Card (I made a very small version)


Well, that is all for now. Although…I think it’s about to time to do my first blog candy, don’t you think?  You will just have to wait and see!

Later queenies!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Something “Fairy” SCARY!

Good morning people.  I am hopping on this morning to show you a card that I made for the Tickled Pink Challenge blog!

I’m in LOVE with this image.  I’m  a sucker for fairies as it is and when you put that together with my love of TPS stamps…well there is little that could go wrong really.

I decided that she is very small and she takes refuge under a scary, curvy black rose from all the SPOOKS on Halloween! I used the Curvy tree from Tiddly Inks as the stem.  I love mixing stamp companies and these two are really up at the top of my FAVES list.

I have been hoarding these big roses, not knowing what to use them on because they are FOAM.  That’s right, they are made of an off-white foam – I thought they took the ink and Stickles beautifully!

Without further ado:



Stamps: Tickled Pink Stamps (Lil Allsorts, “Fairy Kira”); Raindrop Echo Design (Tag); Tiddly Inks: (“Twisted Tree”); Sentiment created by me :) | Coloring: Copics | Bling: Prima ‘Say it in Crystals” | Flowers: Prima (small); Michael’s floral (large roses) | Paper: Recollections


Entered in:

Stamp Insanity: Anything goes

Tickled Pink Challenges: Anything goes


Thanks for looking! (I love comments!)

Remember, it’s GOOD to be queen!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Mind’s Eye August Sketches

I have a layout and a card to enter in the MME blog sketch challenges

Here is the page sketch:


And here is my version of the sketch:


I actually didn’t have a LOT of MME products.  My LSS doesn’t really carry much of it so the only things I had to work with were the Simply Delightful MEGA stack and the first Life Stories stack.  I used the iTop, punches and my “mad flower-making skills” to stretch that paper and turn it into embellishments.  everything is made or covered with MME paper except for the tiny flowers and the solid cardstock.

I am loving the little “age” circle with our ages in it from Life Stories. I’m really happy with the results.

And here is the card sketch:


And here is what I did with it:


I found the card a bit more challenging than the layout.  I realize that I rely on premade embellishments for card making more than I do for scrapbooking. But, I used the remnants from making my layout and I do like that paper. The tags, larger flowers and patterned paper are all MME products.

I love the stickles in the center of my flower punches!

Head on over to My Mind’s Eye blog and enter the challenge yourself!

Hope you enjoy!

Keep it royal people.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Love Affair with Authentique (and Yellow!)

I have recently become obsessed with a new paper line called Authentique.  Their paper is LUSH and their designs are modern, a little grunge-y and SO versatile.

I have also had a recent love for everything yellow – which plays into my Authentique obsession in the form of their line called BLISSFUL.

Take a look:


I mixed their grey, yellow, and black motif with a yellow grip paper from one of my favorite other paper companies: Basic Grey (Origins).  They match PERFECTLY!

Also used: Thickers, pearl push pins, Martha Stewart punch around the page, The Paper Studio gems, and dollar bin flowers.

Want more?  Of course you do!:


On this one I used some plain Wassau grey cardstock and some more BG (Origins) grid paper(black) to offset the beautiful papers and title from Authentique (Blissful).  My Martha Stewart Score board and edge punch got a little play one this one as well.


Got to get ready for work!  Later queenies.

Monday, August 8, 2011

TOMIC #10 Guest DT Project!

I am so, so, SO excited for today! It’s time for TOMIC #10 and I would like to share my guest DT project. YEAY!

The challenge is (make your own drumroll…):

Make a Scene with MASKING!

You know, masking isn’t really a technique that I use often, so this really did stretch my stamping muscles – but in a good way!

Here is my project:

New Beginnings Long

New Beginnings1

New Beginnings2

New Beginnings3

New Beginnings4


Stamps: LOTS of Magnolia; Raindrop Echo Designs sentiment | Ink: Memento in Tuxedo Black | Watercolor (Bricks and suitcases), Copics (Tildas/Edwin), and Zig Pen (outline) | Train: Cricut with MTC (coloring page) | Pearls: The Paper Studio | Martha Stewart : Train Border Punch |Spellbinders: Labels 10 | Cardstock: BBP, DCWV, The Paper Studio | Glimmer Mist | Ribbons and Ribbon roses: Stash


I am really pleased with the blue paper roses that I made. I think I have discovered a technique that really works for me.

Also, I MADE the little bling-y swirls in the style of Say it in Pearls by Prima. I want to do a tutorial on them soon, so look for that!

I am very pleased that my little ribbon roses took the Glimmer Mist so well. They started out white and now I know I can make them any color I want with my mists! Very cool.

I hope you like it and good luck with the challenge!


Side Note: Honestly, I am a little disappointed with how the pictures of this turned out. It is so cute in person and the photos DID leave a little something to be desired – even though I tried to photograph them a MILLION ways. I DID find out that my camera has this cool stitch thing where I can take a three photos in a series and they will stitch together in a long photo. Cool, right?

It’s good to be Queen!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pretty Pink Layout

Just a little layout to share tonight! This is a layout of some pictures taken at my best friend’s birthday party a few years ago.

Hope you enjoy!



Cardstock: SCWV, American Crafts | Felt Border: Felt Fusion | DSP: My Mind’s Eye and (I can’t remember the company who made the paper with the words) | Die Cuts: Indie Art, Home Accents, Very Merry Tags | Cricut | Ribbon: 3 Birds


Entered In:

Craft Your Days Away: Birthdays!

Stamp, Scrap, and Doodle: Friendship

Raise the Bar: Anything Goes


Be good to your subjects, queenies – you have to have SOMEone to scrapbook, right?!

Friday, August 5, 2011

A little TOMIC preview!

Wanted to give you a little teaser of my TOMIC Guest DT project!

New Beginnings1

Wanna see more? Come back August 8th, when TOMIC #10 is launched!

Can’t wait for you to see it!

Remember Queenies, it’s GOOD to be us!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another Page to Share!

I am trying very hard to keep up with my vow to share more pages and not just cards.  So, today I have another page to share of my favorite subject: My nephew Gavin.

I am very proud of the embellishments on this page because I rendered them for cutting myself.  I used coloring pages of Superman in MTC.



Cardstock: Recollections ; DCWV

Stickers: The Paper Studio

Other: Dollar Bin Paper (Target) ; Smooch


Entered In:

Crafts 4 Eternity: Anything But a Card

The Poodles Parlour: Red, White, and Blue


I have a very exciting new toy to show you and I can’t wait until it is finished! I’m going to post it the minute I can!  Until then:

It is GOOD to be queen!