
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Technique: Loverly Layered Image (card)

     Hello cropstars!  This technique is pretty sweet if I do say so myself.  I actually got this idea off home shopping (the best not-kept secret of crafting).  A company was selling this card-making kit that enabled you to make these cool layered floral images for cards and scrapbooking pages.  Well, I’m not going to mention the company because frankly I can’t remember the name.  But, suffice to say that the kit was…overpriced IMO.  I sat there and thought to myself:

Self, you can make these for FREE.

So, I set out on a path of utter craft discovery.  And now, I will share my findings with you lovely SQs.

Today we are making this card:

 layercard 032

I have decided to put all my tutorials on a different blog.  Some of them are very long and I don’t want to clog your dashboard with a single post.  FYI- Clicking the link with redirect you (but it should open in another tab/window).

Click Here For The Full Tutorial!

Remember – it’s good to be Queen!

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Thanks for your comments- I love them!