
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Card: Cherry Blossom

UPDATE: I WON!!! I am super excited and cannot WAIT to receive these! This sweet! This just goes to show that you can't win if you don't play and I got that entry in at just the LAST minute.

So, there are still some great giveaways going on (all on my sidebars) and YOU just might win so go enter! Thanks iCopic Love!

Hello! Just posting a card for a challenge to win some Copic Markers! I am definitely getting it in at the last second, but I had to CLEAN the scraproom before I got going (what a mess!).

Here is the challenge: iCopic Love

So, the challenge was a card using the colors Ivory, Gold, and Chocolate Brown.

Here is my submission:


The picture DOES leave a bit to be desired but my dad has the good camera in Texas while he’s visiting family, so this is the best I could do. :)

Hope you like it! I plan on posting a page using my sketch so look for that!

P.S. There is another chance to win a Copic skin tone set or the Spica Glitter Set B Here at Sally's Creative Corner!

And remember…it’s good to be queen!


  1. YOU ARE THE WINNER! CONGRAT! Please go to iCopic's Blog for detail of how to receive your prize.


Thanks for your comments- I love them!