
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Basic Grey DT Submission #1 (Chi Town Mini Book)

So, the BG design team call ended today. I have a long 15 days to wait for the announcement! So, I want to share with you the projects that I’ve made in the last week for the call.

Since I stand as good a chance as anyone (I hope!) of making the team, I decided to only enter each piece in one challenge. Mostly I enter challenges for the feedback and the chance to be top 3 or 5, etc.

So, here we go:





I am so so so pleased with how this photographed. It was a project that I’ve been wanting to do and when it occurred to me that BG’s line Obscure would be perfect for it I knew it had to be part of my DT submission!


Basic Grey: Obscure (DSP, Alpha Stickers, Die Cut Shapes); Origins (Alpha Stickers); Jovial (Bloomers) | SEI: Buttons, “Friends” Board Book | The Girls Paperie: Toil and Trouble (Mini letter stickers)


Entered in:

Basic Grey: DT Submission

Paper Pretties Challenge: Anything But a Card


BY THE WAY: I am SOOO excited to be announcing that I am on the DT for Paper Makeup Stamps Digital Makeover Challenges! I will be posting my inspiration for our first challenge in just a few days so, keep coming back for more BG submission projects until then!

Ok queenies, keep it royal and cross your fingers for me!

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