
Monday, September 12, 2011

PMS Digital Makeover Challenge #2–Sketch

Good day all! Today is the start of another Paper Makeup Stamps Digital Makeover Challenge! Here’s the sketch:

I really wanted to show the sizing versatility of digis so I sized-up this little cutie – Tina – and cropped her into more of a bust. I love the way character digis look using this method.

Here she is:


In person the wings are very sparkly, but I just couldn’t get it to photograph. There are also Stickles on all the yellow accents in her jacket which you can see a little bit better.


Stamps: Paper Makeup Stamps “Tina”, Cloud9 Design “Happy Birthday” | Coloring: Colored Pencils | DSP: Prima “Baby Boy” Precious, Anna Griffin | Stickles | American Crafts Glitter Pen |Martha Stewart Edger Punch: fancy scallop | Dollar flowers | Dollar gems


Entered in:

Easy Craft Projects: Yellow

Crafting Misfit: Anything Goes

Crafty Purple Frogs: Birthdays


Have a great day queenies!


  1. Love those bright colors together. She reminds me of a 60s flower child (although that was slightly before my time ;-). )

  2. So fun that you sized her large and cropped the image for your card! I just love the versatility of digis that way. :)

  3. This is such a cute card, I love the bright colors and your take on the sketch!

    Please feel free to stop by and enter my blog candy giveaway! :)


  4. what a fantastic card! love the bright fun colors as well as the great primas! just makes me smile. :)
    enjoy your weekend!


Thanks for your comments- I love them!