
Friday, February 3, 2012

The Blog Guidebook and a shout-out.

I just wanted to make a post about this great blog that is a fabulous resource for blogging tips!

If you want to read some great tips and articles about blogging, head on over to The Blog Guidebook!

They have a recent article about blog etiquette.  Much of the article and the conversation is about replying to comments.  Well, that “etiquette” was news to me – mostly because blogger makes it practically impossible to send a cohesive reply comment so the person you are talking to knows that you’re “replying” and not commenting on their recent post.

See how complicated that is?  And I was just trying to explain the convoluted process!!

Well, the plain fact of the matter is that I don’t have time in my blog schedule OR my real schedule to keep up with replying to individuals all the time. 

I love, love, LOVE each and every comment I get and go back to read them multiple times.  For all of my followers (especially the ones who come back and comment just because you want to!) I am so grateful and excited that I have a group of people to share my art and some of my thoughts with.  You are wonderful, and perfect, and appreciated. 

In light of this discovery of blog etiquette and the fact that I’ve decided (in the new year) that I am going to try and make posts that are not DT posts – I’ve come up with a new mission.  I am going to try my best to make a post that will high light some of my favorite comments of the week.  I’ll put a link back to those people’s blogs and answers if there are any questions!

So, here goes:

Anne Temple: Thanks for so faithfully commenting on all our DT samples for PMS every week.  I appreciate it and love being a fellow DT member with you!

Smiley21: Thanks for the comment! I love those roses too!

The Navy Wife: Thanks so much for coming over to see my card! I enjoyed your comment so much and your blog has some beautiful things on it!

Michelle VP: Thanks!! You asked what I used for the masts on my boat card: the answer is I used nothing!  I just didn’t cover that part of the original printed stamp.  It’s just the white showing through, but it has a metallic look because it’s so closely masked and surrounded by greys.  It’s a trick! Thanks for the question!


There we are! I am going to TRY to keep up with this a bit every week.  I am not perfect so I’m sure I’ll miss every once in a while.  But, please don’t hesitate to follow and comment because you could get a shout-out and some free blog publicity out of it!!

Keep it real and keep it royal!

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