
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stamping with Sami #9–Embossed Stamping

Hello people! Good morning and happy Sunday! It is time again for another Stamping with Sami Challenge! My card this week is techno-licious!

The Challenge:

Embossed Stamping

The Rules:

Our Stamping With Sami (SWS) challenges are designed to inspire beginner and advanced stampers. We focus on SP and Company Stamps and supplies found in the SP Store because we know our products are fantastic and I am sure you would agree! We want our challenges to be super fun for everyone, keeping the following rules in mind:

  1. Entries must clearly identify SWS Challenge in their blog post or gallery entry so that we KNOW you are playing along with the SWS Challenge. Link back to us, list us as part of your description, etc. Make it clear that you are participating in our challenge or else your entry will be deleted from the linky widget. We don't want our challenge to be the last thing you list in tiny print, we want to be the inspiration for your creation.
  2. Entries to our challenges must use at least ONE SP and Company Stamp.
  3. Your creation must be newly created, specifically for our challenge.
  4. We love other challenges, just like the rest of you, but there comes a time when the challenge madness gets out out of hand. So to curb excessive challenge pile-ups: Entries that enter more than 2 other challenges will be removed.
  5. Or course, entries must follow the guidelines given for the actual challenge also.

And here is some inspiration:



Stamps: SP&Co. Candy Hearts and Hug a Bug | DSP: Echo Park Dots n Stripes (Candy Shop Collection) | Embossing Powder: Zing by American Crafts (Teal, Navy) | Cardstock: Recollections | Ribbon


Entered in:

Scrapaholic by Abby: Birthday Card

Wags in Whiskers: Male Birthday

Gingersnap Creations: Only two colors (Blue/White)


Thanks so much for stopping by!

Keep it royal people and happy scrapping!


  1. Awesome card! I love that QT computer!

  2. Great card! :)
    Thanks for playing with us at Wags'nWhiskers :)

    Angélique - DT WNW

  3. Really fun card! Thanks for joining us at Gingersnap Creations :)


Thanks for your comments- I love them!