
Monday, August 27, 2012

Get Ready for a Blog Hop!!!

Good Morning fellow cropstars! I’m just here today to give you heads up about a special blog hop starting on August 29th.

My friend and fellow teammate at both Party Time Tuesdays and (formerly) Paper Makeup Stamps, Jen Scull was diagnosed with cancer some time ago. It has been a long and often difficult journey for Jen and her family thus far – with much left to go.

So, all of us here in crafty blog land who are friends and teammies of Jen have banded together for a blog hop full of fun, PRIZES and lots of support for our crafty friend in need.

I was so inspired by Jen’s continued strength and sweetness that I drew a special digital stamp entitled “Fighting Lyla” for the occasion.  It will be offered as a PRIZE along with lots of other awesome stuff donated by some wonderful businesses.

The hop starts on August 29th at Paper Makeup Stamps’ blog!

I hope you till join us! Also, if you want to help support Jen and her family, please go over to The Paper Makeup Stamps Store and buy Jen’s Digi set – the proceeds all go to her family. : )

Thanks so much everyone! See you on Hop day!


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