
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wow Wednesday: June Housecalls Kit “Mustache Madness”

Hello there people! Dr. Britt is in the house! I wanted to show you what I’ve been making using my June Heartstring kit “Mustache Madness”!

do you ever get little gifts in those cute aluminum tins, but the design of the tin is themed, or holiday-oriented and then you don’t know what to do with it? (I know, I gave you a headache with that question!  Never fear, the doctor is here!)

I found two of these old tins laying around and thought they would be the perfect item to alter with my kit!


Everything on this project came in the kit except for the tin.  It was actually easier than I thought to cover the offending parts of the tin and all I left were the solid blue bits to give a little contrast.

Wow1-June-AlteredTin2 I sanded the whole surface of the tin so that the glue would have something to hold on to and I thought the blue bits came out looking so cool I left them alone.  There is some SUPER cute CANDi that comes in this kit and I used it to add little ‘feet’ to the bottom of the tin – it gives the project more of a ‘briefcase’ look.

Wow1-June-AlteredTin I love the way the kraft paper mustache tag really POPS off the front of the tin – it was a larger embellishment to try and fit on such a small surface, but I think it adds a lot of contrast and punch to this little beauty! 

The finished tin is just large enough to hold a small gift or a giftcard.

Are you feeling MAD over the need for this month’s kit?  The only cure is subscribing and Mustache Madness is close to selling out, so head over to the subs page and sign up now!  HERE

Thanks for stopping by people!

Keep it royal.


  1. BAM!!!! this is a great project! you put so much time and love into your projects always! I would love to get a gift in this cute tin!!! Love it-Scrappin Madge

  2. OMGGGG What's not to love!!! It's sickkkkkk as we say here in Brooklyn, NY (which means awesome).... I love it so much!!!!! Your kits never cease to Amaze me, Just love & adore them!!! <3


Thanks for your comments- I love them!