
Friday, July 5, 2013

Lots of Excitement and a Giveaway with Heartstring Desings!


Hello!  Just dropping in today to tell you that there is lots of excitement going on this weekend at Heartstring Designs!

First, we have a new website that you MUST visit (because it is so snazzy!) HERE

Second, we have a new kit being revealed today and a blog hop with PRIZES!  Meet:

Summer Lovin'

Come check out Our July Release Party Blog Hop!!! Featuring "Summer Lovin' " Prizes and giveaways!! Plus not ONE but TWO new fun and exciting announcements!!! check it out here....
Go hop along with some of the team and get to know the new July Housecalls kit!  HERE
Do you love a giveaway?!  Well, then I am here to deliver!
Here's the deal: Heartstring Designs has a new community and website launching TODAY! Because we are so SUPER excited about that we are doing a little giveaway (ok, it is a BIG giveaway!) to celebrate! Here are the rules: Go to the new Ning site and sign up to become part of the community ( )  
Next: Come back HERE and leave a comment on this post telling me that you signed up as a member. And THAT'S IT!! I will pick some one who joins the community and that person will receive a full 2012 Housecalls kit! So, go over and get signed up and don't forget to comment!
So, GO and take a look at everything going on with the Heartstring Designs empire today!
Thanks for visiting today! 
Later queenies!


  1. Hi there...I just signed up at the new heart string designs community! now I have to go back and look around! :)

  2. I just signed up for the ning group! So exciting for you girls!! I'm JenniferE in the group. anxious to get a challenge done with you guys this weekend :)


Thanks for your comments- I love them!