
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Housecalls by Scrappin Madge "Toxic Spellbook" - Day 2!

Good morning happy, scrappy people!!!  Britt Bass here, helping Ms. Scrappin' Madge reveal her newest kit: Toxic Spells!
This kit includes:
Papers from Authentique's "Thrilling"
Papers and Stickers from Graphic 45's "Steampunk Spells"
American Craft's Cardstock
Seam Binding
Paper Roses
Pearl Strand
AND (drumroll!) EXCLUSIVE Flair and Stamp Set designed by YOURS TRUELY!
I'm so excited about creating exclusive items for this kit club that I love so much!
Ok, ready for some Saturday inspiration?
From the moment I saw this kit I wanted to make this project!
I built the hat our of chipboard and covered it with black cardstock.  I anchored the embellishments with one of the flair buttons and then used some stickers and some elements cut from one of the papers to decorate the hat.

I used a Martha Stewart Spider Web, Punch Around the Page to create the base.  I gave everything a little bit of white ink to define the edges.  I also added a few Petaloo feathers (because I couldn't resist!)

Let me know what you think!!!
Now, I know that you're ready to subscribe after all that inspiration!  BUT, you have to get yourself entered to win a prize, right!?!
Comment each day on all designers blogs and become a member if our ning site one winner will get two past Housecalls kits! Winner will be picked Monday!
If you're starting here, go back to the top of the hop order and start there to make sure you're entered!!
Theresa- http://www.thescrapbookingque

DONE WITH THE HOP?  Subscribe on our new facebook store!!!
Facebook store:

Now, SUBSCRIBE!! There will be so much exciting stuff packed into the November and December kits (including MORE exclusive items!!!

Later queenies!


  1. This is gorgeous!!! This mad hatter hat is simple amazing!! You go Britt!!!! Love it and love the exclusives this month too!!!!! Loves-madge

  2. wowsers! loove. it! love the details!

  3. What a great funky hat. I love the shape of it. Your details are so much fun and spooky too. I really love the blue feathers. EEK!!!

  4. I LOVE this!! So awesomely steampunk!! I need to give this a where do I find the pattern??

  5. oh, this is fab... def want to try...

  6. your hat is sooo fun, this would look great onmy fireplace mantle. great job!!!

  7. That rocks! I could have sworn that hat was made of silk or satin or something other than paper- it looks so shimmer-clothy! Absolutely fabulous!

  8. So fun! And I love the feathers :)

  9. Oh I like this!
    Carla from Utah


Thanks for your comments- I love them!