
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Housecalls by Scrappin Madge - December Kit (Mistletoe Kisses)

So, here is what happened: My computer, which is relatively new and beautiful and perfect - completely stopped working in every way possible.  As a result of having no computer, I missed participating in the Housecalls with Scrappin' Madge December kit reveal blog hop!  Ugh!!!

Today I was finally able to borrow a computer (while mine is being magically fixed!) so I could catch up on my DT work before the real holiday rush starts!

Here is a picture of the kit (It is SUPER amazing!!!):

And, here are the projects I created for the hop - though I did not get to participate. :(

With the exception of a few stickers and some card bases - all you see here has been made using the December kit!

Want some more inspiration?  Check out the blog hop that went on last weekend:

The prizes are not stiill up for grabs, but I still think that it's worth taking a look! Consider giving yourself Mistletoe Kisses for Christmas!

Thanks for looking!  

Later queenies!

1 comment:

  1. Britt, so sorry to hear about your computer! I have a blogger app on my phone but can't seem to work with it like the computer. I love your cards Hey Rudolph is adorable! I love the display for your pics! awesome snowy for December, great idea! I hope your brand new perfect computer becomes perfect again, real sooooon!


Thanks for your comments- I love them!