
Monday, January 2, 2012


I have never made scrapbooking-related resolutions before.

I know, I know, but I've never really felt as serious about my cardmaking and scrapbooking as I did this past year. I many ways - it saved me from completely losing myself in the bad stuff. I needed to be saved from the bad stuff this past year. I don't ever really get personal on this blog because that isn't what this blog is about, but suffice to say that I have never, in my life, been so happy to see a year end. For the most part, I want to spend the rest of the years of my life erasing most of 2011 from my memory.

I did have some great things happen. I took an amazing trip to California. I stayed at a job the longest I've ever been at one place. And I got on my first design teams and gained more than half of my AMAZING current followers!

So. Here goes with this year's goals:

I resolve to Scrapbook more.
- I need to get back to pictures. I need to get back to memories. I can't keep allowing a few big bad things keep me from looking at all the big good things.

I resolve to make more cards that are not for design team assignments.
-I've gotten into a bit of a rut for posting. What I really mean by this is that I need to POST the other things I make because I want to share my passion and not just my obligations (though I LOVE my design team assignments!).

I resolve to devote 365 LESS moments to thinking about the past.
- I can't continue to dwell on 2011. I have to celebrate the good moments and move on.

I resolve to be more healthy.
- I'm not going to let unhealthy behavior rule my life because it's easier. I'm too young to feel so old. I'm too young to feel so tired.

So. That is it. I don't expect to be 100% successful, but I'm not going to count myself out too early either. : )

Here is one of my favorite cards from 2011:

Later Queenies!


  1. Such a cute card, the image is gorgeous and I love the colours, sooooo cute!
    Lindsay xx

  2. Beautiful card! Good luck with your resolutions -- I wish you all the best in 2012!


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