
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stamping With Sami #2–Simple Masking

Good Morning folks! Today is Saturday and we are about to embark on another Stamping With Sami challenge over at SP & Company!  I actually have a few extra pictures to go with today’s post because I wanted to show you a little of how I did my masking.

The Challenge: 

Simple Masking

The Rules:

Our Stamping With Sami (SWS) challenges are designed to inspire beginner and advanced stampers. We focus on SP and Company Stamps and supplies found in the SP Store because we know our products are fantastic and I am sure you would agree! We want our challenges to be super fun for everyone, keeping the following rules in mind:

  1. Entries must clearly identify SWS Challenge in their blog post or gallery entry so that we KNOW you are playing along with the SWS Challenge. Link back to us, list us as part of your description, etc. Make it clear that you are participating in our challenge or else your entry will be deleted from the linky widget. We don't want our challenge to be the last thing you list in tiny print, we want to be the inspiration for your creation.
  2. Entries to our challenges must use at least ONE SP and Company Stamp.
  3. Your creation must be newly created, specifically for our challenge.
  4. We love other challenges, just like the rest of you, but there comes a time when the challenge madness gets out out of hand. So to curb excessive challenge pile-ups: Entries that enter more than 2 other challenges will be removed.
  5. Or course, entries must follow the guidelines given for the actual challenge also.

And here is my sample:


Inside it says “I missed your Birthday”.

I wanted to show masking in a little bit of a different way.  You can use masking in small amounts to make your stamps more versatile.

Here’s what I did:

I decided that I wanted to see how many different things I could make with the Hug a Bug stamp set.  I am very partial to it (obviously). Since the challenge was masking I had to think a little outside the box.


I started with this little bug body stamp.  I stamped once and fussy cut it out. Like so:



I put the ‘mask’ down on my paper and I stamped over it, which masked the bottom-most lines on the bug body.


Put the mask over the new stamped image and stamp again to complete the body of your fish!



The next part I like to call ‘reverse masking” mostly because I don’t know what it’s called if it has another name.  So, I took another little bug part, stamped it, cut it out, and trimmed the unneeded part.


Next, I placed the mask over the STAMP so I would only ink the part I wanted to stamp.


And I stamped on top of the body. Here he is with his little bug wing fins and a sweet smile. : )


I used some of the circles to make extra bubbles and the fish's eye.  And the tail was stamped right onto the body with another little bug body part.  Here’s my finished fish:



Stamps: SP&Co. Hug a Bug | DSP: Storytellers’ Club | Copics | Ink: Memento; Distress Ink | Cardstock: DCWV | Fabric: Fabric Connection | Bow: Hobby Lobby


Entered In:

Fashionista Friday: Use Your Stash ( I have a TON of old Storyteller’s Club papers which I used on this card)


Thanks for taking a look today! Have a great week!

Later queenies!

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