Just a hint: there aren’t many. Pagemaps by Becky Fleck has some really good ones – but she is the master, so I don’t think that surprises anyone.
The solution, of course, was to convert full size (12x12) sketches to the 6x12 size.
So, that is what I did. Here for your viewing pleasure are some converted sketches:
In the first one, I took the long photo and chopped it in two because the original size would have overwhelmed the page on a 6x12 layout.
Also, I lost room for the title above, so I put it below, but on the OPPOSITE corner to maintain balance and I kept the nice triangle in the design by moving on of my circles to the top left. I then added strips for journaling because the journaling around the circle would have been super tight in the 6x12 layout. I kept the integrity of the sketch by keeping the total photo size very similar, and the large circle and the cluster of small circles in the same place.
For this one I really wanted to keep the layout as close to the original as possible. I loved the centered look, like an island in the middle of a sea of lovely white space. So, I shrunk the photo (the original was 4x6 and this one is probably about 3.5x5). I added a tab to the right of the photo. Then, I made the circle into an oval and I kept everything else pretty much exactly the same. This shrinkage forced the journaling over a bit, but I like it better overlapping the photo anyway.
This one was easy. Basically this whole thing is exactly the same except for the size of the photos and the size of the circles. In the 6x12 version the photo size STARTS at 3.5x5 and ends with a 1.5x2 with a wallet size in the middle. The original started with a 4x6 and ended with a wallet size. Design-wise, nothing huge was changed to acheive this conversion.
I would love to hear some feedback on these. If you use them, please link back and let me see what you came up with!
Thanks for stopping by, and keep it royal people!
Great job converting those sketches! New follower.